Monday, August 10, 2009

London Trip

We've been having a fantastic time visiting Tavis, Ksenia and Daniel in London. We arrived Friday morning on the redeye flight from New York which Lawson (and Debbie) handled very well. He slept most of the way and was pretty good all in all dealing with the time change. He took a nice long nap Friday afternoon before playing with his new friend Daniel who is almost a year old now. How time flies! Friday night was challenging for Lawson being in a new place with a 5 hour time change and sleeping in new surroundings. He cried intensely when we first put him down and woke up once during the night, but all in all he adapted very well and has been having a blast.
The weather has been amazing by London standards- bright, sunny and warm all day Saturday and Sunday. We spent most of Saturday strolling through Hampstead Heath- arguably the nicest park in London. The terrain is very much like traditional English countryside and it's hard to remember that you're still in central London. We had a nice afternoon lunch followed by a relaxing sit by one of the Heath's lovely lakes. The boys were both thoroughly exhausted from the day's activities letting the adults have a nice dinner out while Nana Bronach (Tavis' mum) babysat.
Sunday was equally gorgeous weather and even warmer than Saturday. Tavis and I inflated a kiddie pool (and filled it by buckets) for the boys on the terrace and watched them frolick in the water. We spent part of the afternoon in the park letting Lawson indulge in his favorite past time - swinging. Tara came to join us and meet the little guy for the first time. To cap off the day and the weekend, we went to the London Eye Sunday afternoon for a lovely view of sunset and the entire city. Lawson had fun running around inside the capsule and showed no signs of any fear of heights by putting his face right up against the glass.
We've had a great trip overall and are heading back to NYC tomorrow morning. Thanks to Tavis and Ksenia for being wonderful hosts and thanks to Daniel for having so much fun playing with Lawson. Cheers!

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